Sunday 5 June 2016

Hello... and all things in between

 Happy new month People of Kintriguesville. I know you've missed me a lot, right? I'm sorry I have been a bit out of touch. My sojourn has carried me to several islands but this will always be home.
I'm about to share something a tad bit controversial, I haven't even been able to sort out my train of thoughts concerning it.

I was about my business as usual in the pink store, then something caught my attention.
It was a really nice evening you see, The sky was all shades of blue, the clouds were a fluffy white. The sun was setting and a gentle breeze was ruffling the trees, stirring the grass and lifting hair light enough to be lifted. It was the perfect time to take a walk.
Soon enough, a couple was strolling, holding hands along my line of view, then the guy ran into an old friend just within my earshot (I swear I wasn't listening in). They talked animatedly for like 20 minutes, all of which did not include an introduction of his ladyfriend who was standing right there or even the merest acknowledgement by the friend.
"What sorcery is this?!!!" I thought to myself and my first reaction was "Captain! Grab your cape, let's rescue the damsel from this horror." But alas, the conversation ended, the couple locked hands and continued strolling as though all was well with the world.
As they will always tell me, "Bukunmi, see as you wanted to give yourself BP". I continued thinking it over and came to some mini-conclusions;

The friend might not be close enough to be worthy of the introduction, we all have that friend we run into once in a blue moon, we then catch up for a few minutes with promises that we'd stay in touch more but we both know it's until the next time we run into ourselves... So the friend could be one of those and the guy didn't see the point of an elaborate introduction.

It could be the other way round and the lady wasn't worthy of being introduced. Perhaps she doesn't have a title and she's just being led on. Harsh but very possible.

They could both be worthy of an introduction but the guy could be clueless and neither of them could suggest it.
Now this is an epidemic, we're all so socially ignorant nowadays, social etiquettes are almost non-existent. It's the social media age but we've all lost social charm. We are mostly at loss when we meet new people one on one, we end up fumbling our way through introductions and first time conversation till it gets really awkward. We'd rather just share IG,snapchat et al handles, ohhhs and ahhhs over followers,snaps, outfits or just blatantly ignore ourselves and stay glued to our devices.

So which of these lines seem the right one? Have you ever been in a socially awkward situation?  How'd you get out? Did you take the highway?

*Blowing you fairydust of peace, beauty and happiness*

connect with me on instagram @the_oluwabukunmi.. I'm about that gram life
 Life,Love,Laughter and Sarcasm.

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